Sunday, June 30, 2013

Heading Back to Sihanoukville

Heading back to Sihanoukville

Well, decided I that I had had enough of Pattaya, so decided to head back to Sihanoukville. Had to leave at 7:30am in the morning though. Suck to be me! But works beacons and wanted a leisurely travel time back.

Swapped mini bus 2 time on the way to the border, once at Trat to pick up some passengers that were heading the same way. Seemed to take forever, but was mainly because I was tired and really just wanted to go to sleep. Arrived at the border crossing at Koh Kong. There is a stunning deference between the two sides of the boarder. The Thai side is organized and seems to be free of scammers, the Cambodian side is the exact opposite. Got checked for bird flu on the way in, 20 baht to say I was okay. I am sure this was a scam. Then someone tried to take off with my passport so tht he could full out the forms for me. They do this for tips! Try to extort money out of you, what is the Khmer for FUCK OFF again? Seriously, do the think I am going to react well to them taking off with my passport!

I had brought the connection through the border to the hotel I am staying at in Koh Kong. Had to find the person on the other side of the boarder through the throng of people trying to tell me that there is no transport for the rest of the day to Sihanoukville and that we can take you there by taxi for a mere $80 (price should be around $50).

After finding my contact on the other side, was shown to a motorbike taxi who would take me into Koh Kong. Wasn't exactly what I was expecting .... but hey. After 10 minutes of waiting I apparently rudely interrupted his dominoes game because I wanted to get going. Oh welcome back to Scambodia! Land of not have customer service! Wish the tires on his moto were inflated properly and the actual brakes worked well!

Turned up at the hotel which was not to shabby at all, going to enjoy staying here for a night. Cheap food and drinks to boot. Apex Hotel Koh Kong is the name of it. 

Went out for a wander around the mean streets of Koh Kong and thought what a charming little town. Going to enjoy my stay for one night. Going to pop down to the restaurant and have a $5 steak meal or something cheaper or a $1.25 mixer.

Below are the some of the pictures I took during my wander. Koh Kong I will be back, but think I am going to go see your wonderful looking island!

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