Sunday, May 6, 2012

Went for a little wander around Geylong tonight. Just took some happy snaps of the area, and before you ask ... No I am not carrying a camera down Talma Street. You get hassled enough by the street walkers around there. Apparently I am there darlin', honey, sweetie, everything but love you long time! Lots of Indonesians, Filipinoes, Thais, Cambodians and Burmese. A few Chinese and Vietnamnese. Go for a look for a laugh. It is pretty funny.

It is a place that never seems to sleep though which is nice. Bright lights in the big city sort of thing. Along with being the now red light district of Singapore (was Orchard Road) it is home to some excellent food at really good prices. Beer is expensive though. Oh well, you can't have everything. On to the pictures for tonight:

Evil evil smelling fruit! 

These guy's certainly know how to park!

Mmmmmm, chicken!

Makes a weird cappuccino 

These were all over the place. A shrine to bring the occupants good fortune.

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