Monday, July 7, 2014

Battambang Airport

Traveling out to Battambang airport I didn't know what to expect. My colleagues at work talked of a place where the air is fresh and there is plenty of greenery.  But in my heart I knew what it would be. One of the many derelict buildings and institutions littered around Cambodia. From old railway stations to fabulous multi million dollar investments. They have an air of a ghost town, a place that time has forgotten.The last scheduled air service out of the airport was in 2004. As the road from Phnom Penh was completed and it became a more comfortable ride, not the day long excursion along a poorly maintained dusty and dirty tracks with the ravages of war evident to all, the need for an air service was no longer needed. Built in the 50's it serviced Battambang with a freight and passenger service, but it is cheaper to operate this on the roads via buses and trucks now. The frugal Cambodians would never stand the price of a air flight when the bus only takes about 4 hours longer, but costs a pittance in comparison.
The journey is a mere 3 kilometers from Battambang city, the turn off being almost directly opposite Battambang University. We approached the gates to the Airport and caused a guard to get up off their plastic stool to greet us. He of course wanted a little 'tea money' to allow us to pass. 500 Reil, or to put in other terms, around 12.5 cents. I forked over the money and rode on.
The layout to the the airport is a 1950's style. What I mean by t
is is that it has none. The buildings are utilitarian, not for being pleasing to the eye. I drove around the buildings and proceeded onto the tarmac. How often do you get to ride a motor scooter on a runway. The runway is surprisingly long. At about 1600 meters it is possibly big enough to land and take off a ATR-72 or a Dash-8. There are also three disused open ended aircraft hangers. The size of which would accommodate a Cessna Caravan or a similar aircraft. These again are built in a utilitarian manner.
I stopped to take some photos along the way, just for fun. The most striking thing about the airport is that it has become a hangout for the youth of Battambang. There are no shortage of freshy boys on the new stylised motor scooters or young Khmer ladies displaying fashionable clothes and painted faces. How very quaint! I guess it is a meeting place for youth to find a girlfriend/boyfriend. There are also the ubiquitous collection of cheap food and drink stands. Perfect for a Khmer day out. 
I left after spending about an hour looking around the grounds and buildings. On the ride back to my house I was lost in thought. The absurd waste of money and infrastructure. Surely this place could now find a better use than as a meeting place for Khmer. Possibly as a freight Airport from the nearby Thailand, or even as a cheaper option to fly from Bangkok. Battambang, after all is a mere 2 hours to Siem Reap. It could also be converted into a drag strip or some such thing. Maybe to race cars or motorbikes along. Oh well, in a country of lost opportunities I guess that this is a fitting end.  

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